Systematic Evaluation and Treatment of the Hand – Charleston SC – Jun 2025

UE Track Courses

Course Description

15 Education Hours
1.5 AOTA CEU’s  /  AOTA Contact Hours 15

This course takes a deep dive into understanding the biomechanics of the thumb and digits, including joint, muscle and ligamentous contributions to assess and treat dysfunction commonly seen in the hand therapy clinic. Participants will learn to follow a systematic approach to identify and treat joint and soft tissue issues about the hand and gain a healthy appreciation of all of its complexity! This course gives you evaluation and treatment tools that can be used immediately in the clinic.

Target Audience: OT, COTA, PT, PTA
Educational Level: Intermediate

course outline – H_UE hand

Instructional Method

Our live courses are made up of lectures that are taught through audiovisual systems (Power Point / Keynote), and all course information is sent to participants before the starting day of the actual course for further review and discussion. The hands-on section is carried out through demonstration of techniques performed by the instructors, and then replicated by the participants under instructors’ supervision, guidance, and feedback. The hands-on section is evaluated by the instructors using an observable skills rubric.

Objectives and Goals

Demonstrate specific manual techniques to address issues with the radial column of the wrist.
  • Distinguish between when it is appropriate to perform joint mobilization techniques directly to the thumb CMC joint and when it could be harmful
  • Assess and treat limitations in the radial column, which can contribute to issues at the thumb carpometacarpal (CMC) joint.
  • Explain the key muscles to recruit for dynamic stability of the thumb CMC joint.
  • Execute an examination using the systematic approach to addressing stiffness to the hand: assessing joint mobility and addressing intrinsic versus extrinsic tightness
  • Develop a comprehensive plan of care that includes interventions specifically directed to improve the MP joints, PIP joints, and DIP joints mobility that include both joint mobilization and preparatory methods as well as occupation-based interventions.
  • Critique positions used for occupations that are mechanically harmful to thumb CMC osteoarthritis and justify modifying occupations to promote thumb CMC joint stability.

Pre-approved in the following states

Contact to verify approval in your state. Please contact us if you hold a Florida license.

For Pre-Approvals see the PDF - Continuing Education Accreditations & Approvals Requested and/or Received by Organization: Download PDF File

  • Financial: The instructor(s) receive an honorarium for presenting this course.
  • Non-financial: The instructor(s) have no relevant non-financial relationships to disclose.
  • Partial credit is not available. For online courses, passing module assessments and completing the course evaluation is required to earn continuing education credit. For live courses, attendance is confirmed by signing the attendance sheet at the course; ensure name and professional license number are accurate, and initial both morning and afternoon attendance.

Course Location

Axis Hand and PT
Tricom Street, North Charleston, South Carolina, 29406, United States


Mirka Normand

Full Profile


Jamie Bergner

Full Profile



Check In

June 21, 2025 7:30 am

Instruction Hours

June 21, 2025
8:00 am – 6:30 pm

June 22, 2025
8:00 am – 3:00 pm


I understand it is my responsibility to confirm the IAOM-US has CCUs approved for this course in my state and/or inform IAOM-US what is required to obtain CCU approval. Please review our policies for Refunds, Cancellations, EULA