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Complete Course Exam
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Complete Course Survey
Clinical Exam and Interpretation
Treatment - Hands-on Management Strategies
Treatment Neuromotor and Sensorimotor management – SenMoCOR
Dry Needling in Shoulder Pain
Evidence plus in conservative management
Biopsychosocial aspects of patient-clinician relationship
Multifocal approach for clinicians
Final Exam

Complete Course Exam
I certify that I have watched all videos before taking the exam.
Complete Course Survey
Referred pain is based in inflammation and it can be responsible for pain at rest in acute patients
The Subacromiodeltoid Bursa is intimately connected to the pectoralis major and the undersurface of the clavicle
All of the following characteristics are expected to be present in CHRONIC BURSITIS, Except for:
Based on the study by Hunter et al (2020), "individuals with SIS had a greater thoracic kyphosis and less extension ROM than age- and gender-matched healthy controls"
Which of the following is a strong predictor of rotator cuff disease often associated with subacromial bursitis.
During INTERPRETATION of the basic clinical examination, there is a systematic sequence of questions to be answered that assist in establishing a working diagnosis. What is the recommended first question and where does it lead you?
List the best management strategies for treating subacromial bursitis. (Choose all that apply.)

a. Bursal self-massage with active abduction to 90 degrees and small circles in clockwise and counterclockwise rotations.
b. Education on sleeping position, hand position while driving to avoid impingement, and other positions and movements in ADLs to avoid along with those that help heal.
c. Manual therapy to address myofascial and joint dysfunctions in the kinetic chain of the shoulder, that will include the SCJ and the ACJ.
d. Motor control exercises to improve trunk stability and scapular control.
e. Strengthening and endurance exercises on the Upper Body Ergometer, where range is from 80-120 degrees shoulder elevation.
Local palpation after Basic Clinical Examination (BCE) is used just to locate key structures.
The transverse humeral ligament assists in restraining which of the following tendons?
“A manual physical therapy approach addressing impairments of the cervical spine and upper limb neural tissue may lead to improved outcomes in the management of patients with shoulder pain and disability.”
Which of the following alternatives represents the most common affected parts of the GHJ capsule?
Pre-activated muscles are stiffer and react to unexpected joint loads more quickly
The rotator cuff and biceps are active prior to the initiation of the actual movement but not prior to the onset of deltoid and pectoralis major
During scapular dyskinesis, which of the alternatives represent the muscles that are most affected by muscle inhibition?
The inclusion of TrP-DN into an exercise program was more cost-effective for individuals with subacromial pain syndrome than exercise alone
Dry needling can improve scapular stabilization by resolving active or latent MTrP’s in periscapular muscles
When considering clinical reasoning: strong arguments come from our beliefs and habits
An increase in thoracic spine flexion results in:
There is a strong recommendation for Manual therapy to be use at initial treatment phases
Exercises with lower quadrant weight transference may increase the demands on the rotator cuff
By reframing goals as a destination “From Here to There” the clinician provides a mental construct that the engagement is a process or a “journey”.
Patient satisfaction with physical therapy care is determined more by the outcome of treatment than by interactions with the therapist and the process of care
Promoting a more participatory clinician-patient relationship is in keeping with current Western cultural tendencies, but may not be universally accepted
Your patient is a 70-year-old female with a recent diagnosis of rotator cuff tear. She intends to wait to follow with the respective specialists to manage GERD and potential borderline diabetes because she ‘wants to take care of her shoulder first’. Your advice is?
While it is commonly assumed that bone mass increases with vigorous physical activity, persistent excessive loading either with exercise or occupation can lead to compromise of bone mass and quality. Your patient is a male plumber, aged 50, and while he stopped smoking 10 years ago, he smoked heavily for the 20 years prior to that. Your advice to the patient as he tries to heal from rotator cuff surgery is:
The following are true statements EXCEPT:
In a presurgical visit, prior to a rotator cuff repair for your patient, you get the impression that they are a bit of a pessimist. They complain about lack of support from their spouse, they don’t like their surgeon, and they want to make sure that you know what you are doing so they can have a chance of finally getting some relief from their shoulder pain. Your plan of action in care is to: (Choose all that apply.)

a. Encourage the individual to optimize their own healing; provide the fundamentals of healing such as sleep, hydration, nutrition, staying gently active, and ensuring they put themselves in a position to create a sense of well being during the recovery process.
b. Make sure the patient sees another provider after surgery. They are pulling you down and giving you ‘heart sink’.
c. Spend that visit pre-surgery outlining the positives: the reputation of the surgeon, the surgical approach as best you know it, you explain post-surgical treatment options and work with the patient to set goals that are flexible.
d. You are feeling a bit pessimistic about life too, particularly politics, and use treatment time, while the patient is on the upper body ergometer, to share your frustrations. You’re going to like working with this person.
Course Survey