What we know about testing of the Hip Region:

– clinical examination is not simple with multiple potential differential diagnoses: intra-articular and/or extra articular pathologies as well as referred pain from other regions (pelvis and spine).
– Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome (GTPS): common problem!
– Recurrent to persistent pain in the posterolateral hip, worse when lying on the affected side and during activities such as ascending/descending stairs and long periods of standing.
– GTPS may include trochanteric bursitis, tendinopathies of the gluteus medius (GM) and minimus (Gm) and the external and/or snapping hip.
– more prevalent in women and affecting up to 25% of the general population.
We need easy-to-implement clinical tests to rule in/out hip pathology such as GTPS, starting with GM ad Gm!