Lisa is an occupational therapist with 22 years of experience in treating hand and upper extremity conditions. She graduated with a Master’s Degree in Occupational Therapy (MOT) in 2000 from Nova
Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Lisa became certified as a hand therapist (CHT) in 2008 and as an orthopedic manual therapist (COMT) by the International Academy of Orthopedic
Medicine US (IAOM-US). For the last 6 years, she has been teaching full-time in the Occupational Therapy Department at The University of Scranton and has owned and operated a part-time private
practice, Hands For Life Therapy, LLC, over the last 12 years in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Lisa serves as a member of the Research Division for the American Society for Hand Therapists (ASHT). Lisa is currently a Doctoral Candidate earning her PhD in Occupational Therapy from Nova Southeastern University. Her topic of research involves the infusion of a psychoneuroimmunology (PNI)-based
program into upper extremity rehabilitation.
Lisa Kozden