Case Study Integration (CSI): Cervical – Foraminal Stenosis
Course Description
13 Contact hours/ 1.3 CEU’s – Online Course
This online self-paced course takes an in-depth look at a complex cervical case that involves lower cervical foraminal stenosis as a primary diagnosis and concordant painful temporomandibular dysfunction. The case examines advanced concepts in related anatomy and pathology, clinical testing, and comprehensive treatment approaches that address not only the pain generators but also numerous dysfunctions in the kinetic chain of the lower cervical spine: upper cervical and upper thoracic segments, upper ribs, and associated myofascial structures. Treatment strategies span soft tissue and joint mobilization, dry needling, sensorimotor control strategies and specific exercises, and communication for optimal compliance and outcomes. Special topic includes differential diagnosis of cervicogenic headache and temporomandibular dysfunction.
Target Group: PT, PTA, OT, OTA, ATC
Educational Level: Intermediate
Objectives and Goals
By the end of the course, the participant will be able to:
- Analyze patient history, based on pathoanatomy and biomechanics of the cervical spine and temporomandibular joint, to formulate a working hypothesis of pathology prior to initiating the clinical examination.
- Establish a sound clinical diagnosis for physical therapy by thorough interpretation of clinical examination findings.
- Select specific clinical tests that are the most informative for diagnosis, causal factor, and perpetuator confirmation in a patient with primarily lower cervical stenosis symptoms.
- Create a comprehensive plan of care that includes all the following: soft tissue and joint specific manual therapy, dry needling, and appropriate sensorimotor control strategies focused on control of cervical motion and load.
- Prioritize selective functional testing that supports the specific exercise program prescribed for a patient with cervical stenosis and temporomandibular dysfunction.
- Practice evidence-based psychosocial approaches, to engage and promote the patient-clinician relationship that leads to building rapport, optimal compliance, and better functional and clinical outcomes.
- Examine a patient condition related to the various contributors to cervicogenic headache and outline a plan of care specific to the problem.
- Apply a multifocal approach in treatment that includes recognition and treatment of contributing dysfunction from the kinetic chain, such as upper thoracic spine and ribs.
Pre-approved in the following states
Contact to verify approval in your state. Please contact us if you hold a Florida license.
For Pre-Approvals see the PDF - Continuing Education Accreditations & Approvals Requested and/or Received by Organization: Download PDF File
- Financial: The instructor(s) receive an honorarium for presenting this course.
- Non-financial: The instructor(s) have no relevant non-financial relationships to disclose.
- Partial credit is not available. For online courses, passing module assessments and completing the course evaluation is required to earn continuing education credit. For live courses, attendance is confirmed by signing the attendance sheet at the course; ensure name and professional license number are accurate, and initial both morning and afternoon attendance.

Valerie Phelps

Jean-Michel Brismée

Haley Main

Phillip S. Sizer Jr.
- $199
I understand it is my responsibility to confirm the IAOM-US has CCUs approved for this course in my state and/or inform IAOM-US what is required to obtain CCU approval. Please review our policies for Refunds, Cancellations, EULA |