Diagnosis and Management of the Distal Upper Extremity

Course Description

8 Contact Hours/0.8 CEUs

8 hours of online lecture provide the important fundamentals of pathoanatomy of the elbow, forearm, wrist and thumb. Short but precise clinical assessments are demonstrated for differential diagnosis of elbow and wrist/thumb problems. Special topics include Complications and Considerations of Lateral Epicondylitis, Updates on Connective Tissue Research, Posterolateral Instability of the Elbow, Clinical Diagnosis and Suggested Treatment of Various Pain Locations: Medial, Lateral, Anterior and Posterior, and Neuropathies at the Elbow, Forearm, and Wrist/Hand.

Target group: PT, PTA, AT, OT

Education Level: Basic

Program Agenda-Online distal upper extremity

Objectives and Goals

At the conclusion of this program, the learner will be able to…

  • be able to integrate the pathoanatomy, physiology, and biomechanics of Elbow Complex and Wrist/Thumb Joint pathologies into one or more of the following, and consequent, common clinical dysfunctions: Medial/Lateral/Anterior Elbow joint dysfunction, tennis elbow, humeroradial/humeroulnar internal joint pathologies, wrist functional instability, thumb osteoarthritis or more severe conditions such as fracture, tumor or systemic-inflammatory diseases.
  • be able to interpret, through a systematic process, the key findings from the proposed basic clinical examination of patients with Elbow Complex and Wrist/Thumb related conditions.
  • decide which specific clinical tests are the most informative for diagnosis from the general clinical examination of the Elbow Complex and Wrist/thumb for a patient with acute, recurrent or chronic distal upper extremity pain.
  • design 3 effective treatment interventions for acute elbow pain such as elbow and wrist/thumb joint active arthritis.
  • design 3 effective treatment interventions for muscle-tendinous and capsular disorders such as tennis elbow dysfunction and functional instability.
  • design 3 effective treatment interventions for recurrent wrist instability such as secondary triangular fibrocartilage pathology.
  • design 3 effective treatment interventions for carpal bone/joint pathologies.

Pre-approved in the following states

Contact info@iaom-us.com to verify approval in your state. Please contact us if you hold a Florida license.

For Pre-Approvals see the PDF - Continuing Education Accreditations & Approvals Requested and/or Received by Organization: Download PDF File

  • Financial: The instructor(s) receive an honorarium for presenting this course.
  • Non-financial: The instructor(s) have no relevant non-financial relationships to disclose.
  • Partial credit is not available. For online courses, passing module assessments and completing the course evaluation is required to earn continuing education credit. For live courses, attendance is confirmed by signing the attendance sheet at the course; ensure name and professional license number are accurate, and initial both morning and afternoon attendance.


Jean-Michel Brismée

Full Profile


Valerie Phelps

Full Profile




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