Diagnostico Diferencia y Terapia Manual de Columna Cervical Superior

Course Description

¡Si usted trata pacientes con disfunciones y/o dolor de la columna cervical superior, no se puede perder esta oportunidad interactiva! Después de este curso, regresará a su práctica clínica procesando el conocimiento y las destrezas para tratar conservadora y post-quirúrgicamente a sus pacientes.

Objectives and Goals

1 Introducción
2 Patoanatomía y Patomecánica Parte I
3 Patoanatomía y Patomecánica Parte II
4 Biomecánica
5 Examinación Clínica Básica
6 Examen Local e Interpretación
7 Dolores de Cabeza
8 Insuficiencia Vertebrobasilar Funcional
9 Manejo Ortopédico Manual

Pre-approved in the following states

Contact info@iaom-us.com to verify approval in your state. Please contact us if you hold a Florida license.

For Pre-Approvals see the PDF - Continuing Education Accreditations & Approvals Requested and/or Received by Organization: Download PDF File

  • Financial: The instructor(s) receive an honorarium for presenting this course.
  • Non-financial: The instructor(s) have no relevant non-financial relationships to disclose.
  • Partial credit is not available. For online courses, passing module assessments and completing the course evaluation is required to earn continuing education credit. For live courses, attendance is confirmed by signing the attendance sheet at the course; ensure name and professional license number are accurate, and initial both morning and afternoon attendance.


Vicente Mauri

Full Profile





I understand it is my responsibility to confirm the IAOM-US has CCUs approved for this course in my state and/or inform IAOM-US what is required to obtain CCU approval. Please review our policies for Refunds, Cancellations, EULA