Foot and Ankle Online Bundle
Course Description
You will receive access to six online courses, equalling 13.8 Contact Hours.
Diagnosis and Management of the Foot and Ankle – 8 Contact Hours – Take an in-depth look at primary and secondary pathoanatomy, biomechanics, basic and specific clinical examination and interpretation, management suggestions and specific approaches to diagnose and treat foot and ankle related disorders.
Foot and Ankle Differential Diagnosis: Short Case Studies – 1 Contact Hour – Discuss the common pain generators that are found in the heel and how to identify them. This will be completed through several mini case studies in which are real patient examples of what you may see in the clinic.
Cadence and Periodization guidelines for the treatment of common running injuries – 1 Contact Hour – This course will discuss relevant questions regarding training history linked to common running injuries. Treatment strategies reviewed will include periodization principles and cadence training. Periodization teaches adaptations of running parameters such as frequency, speed, and distance to lessen injury risk.
Lower Quadrant Neural Testing and Management – 1.3 Contact Hours – Dr. Brismee discusses the neural testing and management for the lower quadrant using research-based guidelines for neural tensioning and sliding techniques. He also shares his expertise on how to apply the evidence into the clinical practice to treat patients with spinal potential discogenic, dural or nerve root related conditions, patients with suspected peripheral neural compression/tension conditions and patients with suspected sensitization in chronic stages.
Transform your practice with blood flow restriction training – 1.5 Contact Hours – This course will focus on how BFR works and how you can effectively utilize BFR training in your daily clinical practice with patients of all ages. The webinar will include a BFR training demonstration utilizing the Delphi PTS blood flow restriction device and will focus on how BFR training can safely be used to aid in rehabilitation and recovery.
Dry Needling in Plantar Fasciitis: A Case Study – 1 Contact Hour – This course is designed to cater to the needs of the advanced practitioner who want to hone their skills, share and discuss cases, and hear about the most recent research developments.
Objectives and Goals
Diagnosis and Management of the Foot and Ankle
- Given a case study of one of the most common musculoskeletal pathologies of the foot and ankle joint complex with consequent clinical dysfunctions, the learner will independently integrate the anatomic, physiologic and biomechanical findings into a differential diagnosis report.
- Accurately identify at least one common clinical dysfunction of the foot region in 3 different patient scenarios.
- Accurately identify at least one common clinical dysfunction of the ankle joint in 3 different patient scenarios.
- Identify 3 effective treatment interventions for acute, recurrent and chronic foot region dysfunctions and related pathologies.
- Identify3 effective treatment interventions for acute, recurrent and chronic ankle joint dysfunctions and related pathologies.
- Design a treatment plan for a patient with acute dysfunction of the foot.
- Design a treatment plan for a patient with acute dysfunction of the ankle.
- Design a treatment plan for a patient with recurrent or chronic foot dysfunctions.
- Design a treatment plan for a patient with recurrent or chronic ankle joint dysfunctions.
Foot and Ankle Differential Diagnosis: Short Case Studies
- Differentiate between five of the most common structures that cause heel pain
- Organize a plan of care depending on the specific pain generator
- Evaluate associated dysfunctions with each pain generator
- Detect when the medial plantar nerve is involved and assess for tarsal tunnel.
Cadence and Periodization guidelines for the treatment of common running injuries
- Name at least 3 potential causes of over training
- Name the most common training errors associated with overuse running injuries
- Indicate how to prevent common running injuries through training modifications
- Indicate how to manage common running injuries through training modifications
Lower Quadrant Neural Testing and Management
- Identify 3 lower quadrant neural testing techniques to improve diagnostic process
- Design 3 different treatment approaches, based on neural mobilization principles, for peripheral nerve entrapment dysfunctions
Transform your practice with blood flow restriction training
- Explain the scientific theory behind BFR training and learn how to safely implement it into your clinical practice
- Recognize ways in which you can effectively implement BFR in your clinical practice with patients rehabilitating from injury or surgery.
- Learn how BFR compliments manual therapy treatments to take your clinical results to the next level
Dry Needling in Plantar Fasciitis: A Case Study
- Ability to apply clinical practice guidelines for plantar fasciitis
- Be aware of the relevant recent literature
- Justify the use of dry needling in the case
- Explain the relevance of subjective and objective clinical findings
- Be able to use a decision tree based on patient’s unique story and apply evidence-based guidelines to create treatment plan
- Be able to integrate all treatments, including dry needling, to accelerate recovery
- Identify differential diagnosis and suggest further intervention needed.
Pre-approved in the following states
Contact to verify approval in your state. Please contact us if you hold a Florida license.
For Pre-Approvals see the PDF - Continuing Education Accreditations & Approvals Requested and/or Received by Organization: Download PDF File
- Financial: The instructor(s) receive an honorarium for presenting this course.
- Non-financial: The instructor(s) have no relevant non-financial relationships to disclose.
- Partial credit is not available. For online courses, passing module assessments and completing the course evaluation is required to earn continuing education credit. For live courses, attendance is confirmed by signing the attendance sheet at the course; ensure name and professional license number are accurate, and initial both morning and afternoon attendance.

Valerie Phelps

John Woolf

Phillip S. Sizer Jr.

Jean-Michel Brismée
- $195
I understand it is my responsibility to confirm the IAOM-US has CCUs approved for this course in my state and/or inform IAOM-US what is required to obtain CCU approval. Please review our policies for Refunds, Cancellations, EULA |