Spine Pain Online Bundle
Course Description
You will receive access to six online courses, equalling 23.52 Contact Hours.
Clinical Reasoning for Spinal Pain Management – 18.5 Contact Hours – This course takes an in-depth look at Spinal pathoanatomy, biomechanics, basic and segmental clinical examination and interpretation, management suggestions, and specific approaches to diagnose and treat Spinal Pain.
Part 1: Recognizing and Understanding Persistent Pain: all pain is not equal – 1.6 Contact Hours – Part I of a virtual lecture series designed to expand on the clinicians working knowledge of the evaluation of primary pain mechanisms.
Part 2: Choose a Safer Way to Manage Persistent Pain, a Lifestyle Approach – 1.6 Contact Hours – Part II of a virtual lecture series designed to expand the clinicians’ knowledge of managing persistent pain using a biopsychosocial approach based on the best evidence.
Lumbar Epidural Steroid Injections – 0.5 Contact Hours – Dr. Azevedo teaches the key features, indications, and outcomes of lumbar epidural steroid injections. Use this type of explanation when approaching your patients about the need or prescription of interventional pain management for the lumbar spine.
Rapid Identification of Neck Pain – 0.5 CEUs – This short course is packed with information related to patient history and clinical presentation that guides the examiner to a precise clinical working diagnosis of the three most seen musculoskeletal disorders in the neck region: disc protrusions, facet arthropathy, and cervicogenic headache.
Rapid ID of Low Back Pain Generators – 0.82 Contact Hours – This short course is packed with information related to patient history and clinical presentation that guides the examiner to a precise clinical working diagnosis of the three most seen musculoskeletal disorders in the low back region: sacroiliac arthropathy, lumbar disc protrusions, and lumbar spinal stenosis.
Objectives and Goals
Clinical Reasoning for Spinal Pain Management
- Verbalize the essential history and exam components for patient profiling
- Utilize history and exam to determine dysfunctions
- Identify the patient’s stage of pain
- List the pathophysiological adaptations during acute and chronic pain.
- Discuss evaluation tools for identifying 5 systems of dysfunctions
- Soft Tissues
- Joint + Segment
- Mind + Body + Brain (Biopsychosocial)
- Posture + Control
- Strength + Function
- Identify the features of chronic pain via history and examination
- Utilize patient profiling to identify pain generators for
- Acute Pain
- Recurrent Pain
- Chronic Pain
- Describe the stages of pain and incorporate this into treatment programs
- Utilize physical therapy treatment options for recurrent and chronic pain.
- Perform direct treatment for the pain generator
- Perform indirect treatments for the dysfunctions
- Targeting pain generators through precise diagnostic methods and interventional pain management procedures
- Utilize a 10-stage lumbar, cervical, and thoracic exercise program
- Utilize 70+ handouts in the clinic for patients and to assist with marketing
Recognizing and Understanding Persistent Pain: All pain is not equal
- Explain the difference between primary nociceptive, neuropathic and nocioplastic pain.
- Recognize that persistent pain is common, complex and challenging to both evaluate and treat.
- Identify the need to adopt a biopsychosocial model of care in the evaluation of patients with persistent pain.
- Indicating at least 1 Clinical Sensory Testing with patients with persistent pain
Choose a Safer Way to Manage Persistent Pain, a Lifestyle Approach
- Recognize the need to adopt a biopsychosocial model of care in the management of persons with persistent pain.
- Integrate education on lifestyle changes with patients with persistent pain.
- Propose a plan of care for a patient with persistent pain, considering the best evidence.
Lumbar Epidural Steroid Injections
- Integrate the anatomy and pathoanatomy of lumbar disc segments into the prescription of interventional pain management.
- Identify key characteristics associated with different interventional pain management approaches.
- Analyze common questions asked by patients on lumbar epidural steroid injections.
Rapid Identification of Neck Pain
- Identify pain patterns specific to the three most common musculoskeletal problems in the cervical spine.
- Clinically differentiate the most common musculoskeletal pain generators in the cervical spine.
- Confidently perform and/or recommend management strategies for these musculoskeletal conditions.
Rapid ID of Low Back Pain Generators
- Accurately identify at least one common clinical disorder in the low back/buttock region.
- Perform an examination protocol to identify common problems the low back/buttock region.
- Precisely identify 3 effective treatment approaches to restore functional recovery in common disorders in the low back/buttock region.
Pre-approved in the following states
Contact info@iaom-us.com to verify approval in your state. Please contact us if you hold a Florida license.
For Pre-Approvals see the PDF - Continuing Education Accreditations & Approvals Requested and/or Received by Organization: Download PDF File
- Financial: The instructor(s) receive an honorarium for presenting this course.
- Non-financial: The instructor(s) have no relevant non-financial relationships to disclose.
- Partial credit is not available. For online courses, passing module assessments and completing the course evaluation is required to earn continuing education credit. For live courses, attendance is confirmed by signing the attendance sheet at the course; ensure name and professional license number are accurate, and initial both morning and afternoon attendance.

Esteban Azevedo
Holly Jonely

Valerie Phelps
- $299
I understand it is my responsibility to confirm the IAOM-US has CCUs approved for this course in my state and/or inform IAOM-US what is required to obtain CCU approval. Please review our policies for Refunds, Cancellations, EULA |