IAOM-US Certifications
The IAOM-US offers a number of different certifications: MSK or UE Track COMT, CAMM in the spine, upper quarter and/or lower quarter, and Certification in Dry Needling. Note that coursework and certifications can be applied in the completion of the IAOM-US Residency or Fellowship programs, and are an integral part of the distance learning Doctorate of Science in Rehabilitation Sciences program at Texas Tech University in Lubbock Texas. Contact Jenny Sanchez (jennycsg@iaom-us.com) for more information. She is eager to assist you on your journey toward becoming a complete clinician.
COMT – Certification in Orthopaedic Manual Therapy
Certification in Orthopaedic Manual Therapy is a post-graduate specialty program designed for physical and occupational therapists who desire to improve their manual therapy skills, emphasizing advanced clinical reasoning, and evidenced-supported and patient-centered approaches. IAOM-based manual therapy encompasses precision in surface anatomy, accurate examination techniques that lead to a working clinical diagnosis, and then matched management consisting of soft tissue and joint specific mobilization and appropriate exercises specific to that problem. Professionals who are Certified in Orthopaedic Manual Therapy, (COMT) are recognized worldwide as highly skilled clinicians who have transformed their practice to achieve optimal outcomes in the rehabilitation of their patients.
The IAOM-US offers two COMT recognitions: a general musculoskeletal (MSK) COMT that encompasses the spine and peripheral joints, and the hand and upper extremity track (UE Track) COMT that focuses solely on the upper quarter.
COMT Live Course Requirements
IAOM-US currently offers 4 types of COMT
You must:
- Be a current member of IAOM-US
- Have a current license as a physical therapist or occupational therapist
- Have completed the following courses:
1. COMT for Hand and Upper Extremity Specialists –
To be eligible for Module #1 exam, the applicant must have completed the following courses:
- Systematic Approach to Examination, Diagnosis & Manual Therapy of the Hand
- Systematic Approach to Examination, Diagnosis & Manual Therapy of the Wrist-Level I
- Systematic Approach to Examination, Diagnosis & Manual Therapy of the Wrist-Level II
You need to successfully complete Wrist-Level I before taking Wrist-Level II
To be eligible for Module #2 exam, you must have completed the following courses:
- Systematic Approach to Examination, Diagnosis & Manual Therapy of the Elbow
- Systematic Approach to Examination, Diagnosis & Manual Therapy of the Shoulder
- Systematic Approach to Examination, Diagnosis & Manual Therapy of the Thoracic Outlet/Cervicothoracic Junction
Module #1 and Module #2 can be completed in any order.
To obtain the certification in Hand and Upper Extremity the applicant must have passed both Module#1 and #2 exams
2. COMT Spine
To be eligible for Certification Exam, the applicant must have completed any of the following options:
– Hybrid course (8 hours online classes self-study + 14.5 hours in hands-on) of Cervical+ Thoracic + Lumbar
-CSI / NEXT courses (8 hours online classes self-study +16 hours synchronic classes) + 1-day hands-on of each (Cervical, Thoracic and Lumbar)
– A mix of these options: hybrid or NEXT of each one of the courses (Cervical+ Thoracic +Lumbar) and at least 1-day hands-on for each NEXT course taken.
3. COMT Lower Extremity
To be eligible for Certification Exam, the applicant must have completed any of the following options:
– Hybrid course (8 hours online classes self-study + 14.5 hours in hands-on) of Hip + Knee + Foot & Ankle
– CSI / NEXT courses (8 hours online classes self-study +16 hours synchronic classes) + 1-day hands-on of each (Hip + Knee + Foot & Ankle)
– A mix of these options: hybrid or NEXT of each one of the courses (Hip + Knee + Foot & Ankle) and at least 1-day hands-on for each NEXT course taken
4. COMT Upper Extremity
To be eligible for Certification Exam, the applicant must have completed any of the following options:
– Hybrid course (8 hours online classes self-study + 14.5 hours in hands-on) of Cervical + Shoulder + DUE
– CSI / NEXT courses (8 hours online classes self-study +16 hours synchronic classes) + 1-day hands-on) of each (Cervical + Shoulder + DUE)
– A mix of these options: hybrid or NEXT of each one of the courses (Cervical + Shoulder + DUE) and at least 1-day hands-on for each NEXT course taken
IAOM-US will keep offering the older 12-course format COMT until December 31st, 2022 for colleagues interested to complete any of the following paths:
1. COMT Upper Spine: Upper cervical + Lower cervical + CTJ/TOS (Cervicothoracic Junction Thoracic Outlet Syndrome)
2. COMT Lower Spine: Thoracic spine+ Lumbar spine and SIJ + Lumbar spine recurrent disc disorders
3. COMT Upper Extremity: Shoulder + Elbow + Wrist and Hand
On average, candidates attempt to accomplish COMT in 18-30 months.
Registration and Payment
COST: Registration fee for both, written and practical examinations, is USD $450.00. For the COMT in H&UE the registration fee is USD $450.00 for each module.
*If you do not already have an IAOM-US Membership, register for membership first.
Important: Once you have made the payment for the certification, we will verify your credentials and we will contact you to start the certification process.
These are normally set 4 times per year (usually on March, June, September and November/December). Specific dates are posted on the IAOM-US website.
If you want to schedule an examination date (written and practical exam) or have any inquiry related to registration, payment, scheduling and technical questions email to Jenny Sanchez (jennycsg@iaom-us.com) and for examination content to Jean-Michel Brismée (jm.brismee@ttuhsc.edu).
NOTE: Once a Written or Practical exam is scheduled any change will incur in an additional fee of $50
We will do our best to provide you with information and materials to help you succeed at this important professional milestone.
Certification Exam Process
Grading Criteria
· Written Examination: 70%
· Practical Examination: 70%
· Overall score: 70%
The Practical examination has twice the value of the written examination. To pass, you need to make a minimum of 70% on both the written and practical portions of the examination.
The minimum passing score for the practical and written examinations combined is 70%.
So, take the practical score and multiply it by 2 and then add this number to the written score and divide by 3 for the overall exam score. For example, written exam is 75% and the practical is 80% (75 + 80(2) = 235/3= 78.3%).
Practical Exam:
1. BASIC EXAMINATION (35% of overall practical grade)
2. SURFACE ANATOMY (20% of overall practical grade)
3. MOBILIZATION TECHNIQUES (30% of overall practical grade)
4. HIGH VELOCITY MANIPULATION TECHNIQUE (15% of overall practical grade)
Retaking the Exam
Failure to obtain at least 70% on the written examination AND at least 70% on the practical examination AND at least 70% on the overall score will result in failure. In the case of a passing score on one part of the examination (e.g. the practical examination) and a failure score on the other part of the examination (e.g. written examination), with an overall score > 70%, the individual must retake the part that he/she failed (in this case the written examination). The re-examination score represents the final score. Scores are sent out within 6 weeks of taking an examination.
In case of an overall score of <70%, both the written and practical examinations must be retaken.
The deadline to retake the written and/or practical exam is from 1 to 3 months after the first test.
COST: cost of retaking the examinations is as follows:
- $150 for the written exam
- $150 for the practical exam
Study Guides
To best prepare yourself for the examination, we recommend you study the material in the course manuals provided at the courses and IAOM books.
It is recommended you purchase the DVDs (for OMT available at OPTP https://www.optp.com/search_results.cfm?kw=IAOM-US ) or IAOM_US’s VIMEO on Demand Study Guides – https://vimeo.com/iaomus/vod_pages as the practical examination comprises the material from the DVDs as well as the course manuals and textbooks.
Material for the examination are the IAOM-US course manuals and the course textbooks (IAOM-US books published by OPTP such as the Hip and Knee and the ankle and foot published electronically by IAOM-US iaom-us.com
IAOM-US Sample Practical Testing Spine
IAOM-US Sample Extremities Practical Examination
IAOM-US Hand and UE Track Certification Study Guide Hand Wrist I Wrist II
IAOM-US Hand and UE Track Certification Study Guide Elbow Shoulder TOS
Hand UE Track Module 1 Exam Study Guide
Hand UE Track Module 2 Exam Study Guide
MSK Clinical Examinations
CAMM – Certified in Advanced Musculoskeletal Management
The certification in advanced musculoskeletal management takes the professional one step further on the clinical path of expertise. Coursework completion in the biopsychosocial approach focusing on effective patient communication as well as advanced training in sensorimotor control assessment and treatment strategies are the added features to this certification. For the individual who has achieved COMT status, this is a logical and wholistic next step. Complete and quality treatment takes into context dysfunction, movement disorders and how the patient sees the world. Being Certified in Advanced Musculoskeletal Management (CAMM) indicates expertise embodying a comprehensive and well-rounded approach to patient care. Certification specialty areas include the spine, upper quarter, and/or lower quarter.
Email for inquiries related to registration and payment to Jenny Sanchez (jennycsg@iaom-us.com). We will do our best to provide you with information and materials to help you succeed at this important professional milestone.
CAMM Live Course Requirements
Continuing with your professional development, IAOM-US offers 3 types of Certification in Advanced Musculoskeletal Management:
- Spine
- Upper Quarter
- Lower Quarter
To be eligible for Certification, the applicant must have:
- Current membership with IAOM-US
- Current license as a physical therapist or occupational therapist
- Certification in Orthopedic Manual Therapy in the same area of expertise wanted to be certified in Advanced Musculoskeletal Management
- Completed the following courses (depending the area to be certified):
AMT= Advanced Manual Techniques, 1 day hands-on
To be eligible for CAMM in Spine, the applicant must have completed any of the following options:
– Hip Hybrid course (8 hours online classes self-study + 14.5 hours in hands-on)
– NEXT HIP course (8 hours online classes self-study +16 hours synchronic classes) + 1-day hands-on
– TMD Live (13 hours) + NEXT TMD (16 hours)
– Bio-Psychosocial Hybrid (8 hours online classes self-study+ 8 hours in hands-on)
– NEXT SenMoCOR Upper Quadrant course (8 hours online classes self-study +16 hours synchronic classes)
– NEXT SenMoCOR Lower Quadrant course (8 hours online classes self-study +16 hours synchronic classes)
To be eligible for CAMM in Lower Quarter, the applicant must have completed any of the following options:
- Lumbar Hybrid course (8 hours online classes self-study + 14.5 hours in hands-on)
- NEXT Lumbar course (8 hours online classes self-study +16 hours synchronic classes) + 1-day hands-on
- Bio-Psychosocial Hybrid (8 hours online classes self-study+ 8 hours in hands-on)
- NEXT SenMoCOR Lower Quadrant course (8 hours online classes self-study +16 hours synchronic classes)
To be eligible for CAMM in Upper Quarter, the applicant must have completed any of the following options:
- Thoracic Hybrid course (8 hours online classes self-study + 14.5 hours in hands-on)
- NEXT Thoracic course (8 hours online classes self-study +16 hours synchronic classes) + 1-day hands-on
- Bio-Psychosocial Hybrid (8 hours online classes self-study+ 8 hours in hands-on)
- NEXT SenMoCOR Upper Quadrant course (8 hours online classes self-study +16 hours synchronic classes)
Registration and Payment
COST: Registration fee for CAMM is USD $50.00.
Call 866-426-6101 to register
Important: once you have made the payment for the Certification in Advanced Musculoskeletal Management (CAMM), the applicant’s background will be evaluated and if they meet the requirements, the certificate in Advanced Musculoskeletal Management will be sent to the applicant.
Email for inquiries related to registration and payment questions to Jenny Sanchez (jennycsg@iaom-us.com). We will do our best to provide you with information and materials to help you succeed at this important professional milestone.
CertDN – Certified in Advanced Competency in Dry Needling
The advantages of obtaining certification in dry needling:
- International recognition of training; all licensing bodies worldwide want to see proper evidence of comprehensive training, and completion of certification exemplifies that.
- Employability/Marketability; employers are impressed with the added effort expended to complete certification.
- Self; sense of accomplishment, and increased confidence that you can do the technique safely. It is educationally sound to incorporate all aspects of a training (Theory, Practical, Reflective), and ultimately leads to becoming a better clinician.
- Medico-legal; evidence of full and appropriate training will assist with legal defense should it ever be required.
Email for inquiries related to registration and payment to Jenny Sanchez (jennycsg@iaom-us.com). We will do our best to provide you with information and materials to help you succeed at this important professional milestone.
Dry Needling Certification Requirements
ODNS Certification for Advanced Competency in Dry Needling emphasizes the clinical application of dry needling as it applies to the treatment of musculoskeletal conditions.
To be eligible for Certification, the applicant must have:
- Current membership with IAOM-US.
- Current license as a physical therapist; occupational therapist or another licensed medical practitioner.
- Complete the Certification process within 1 year of the ODNS Dry Needling Level 2 Course.
- Completed the following courses:
To be eligible for CertDN, the applicant must have completed these courses:
• Level I Dry Needling Without Cadaver (7hrs online + 19hrs live course in person) or Level I Dry Needling With Cadaver (7hrs online + 21hrs live course in person)
• Level II Dry Needling Without Cadaver (5hrs online + 19hrs live course in person) or Level II Dry Needling With Cadaver (5hrs online + 22hrs live course in person)
ODNS Certification in Dry Needling aims to encourage further study and practical application of these techniques. The certification is made up of two components, which are the following:
- Written Examination
- Upon registration for Dry Needling Certification, the student will be sent a link to take the written online exam.
- Consists of randomized multiple-choice questions designed to assess the ability to apply your knowledge of safety, clinical reasoning, and advanced anatomy to the practice of dry needling. It is taken during a continuous 90-minute period and is open book.
- You must score 70% or better in a single take.
- Case Studies
- In downloadable documents, use the Case Study Template and Marking Rubric to record your two (2) best case studies applying the techniques learned in both Level I and Level II for review. The Case Study template is a fillable form, and the marking rubric serves as a guide to the student to guide their case study work.
- Case studies are submitted to Jenny Sanchez (jennycsg@iaom-us.com) at IAOM-US within a year of registration.
- The case studies will be reviewed by advanced dry needling assistant faculty.
- The reviewer will provide the certification candidate with a written critique of each case study.
- Acceptable case studies include documentation of the ability to apply dry needling with the right choice of patient position, needle gauge and size, hand position and technique; to document response, overall patient outcome, and incorporate it into their overall rehabilitation plan and other treatment techniques.
- Special attention is given to safety, efficacy and clinical reasoning.
- You must score 70% or better in a single take to receive the certification.
On successful completion of the above, the practitioner earns the ODNS Certification for Advanced Competency.
Important note: If you are taking your ODNS courses outside the USA, please contact directly to Optimal Dry Needling Solutions.
Registration and Payment
COST: Registration fee for CertDN is USD $249.00.
Register for Dry Needling Certification
Important: once you have made the payment for the certification, we will verify your credentials and we will contact you to start the certification process.
Email for inquiries related to registration and payment questions to Jenny Sanchez (jennycsg@iaom-us.com). We will do our best to provide you with information and materials to help you succeed at this important professional milestone.